World Reach Bible Institutes

“and what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” - 2 Timothy 2:2
Since 1992, the World Reach Mobile Bible Institute has been training tomorrow’s leaders today. The Mobile Bible Institute partners with local overseas churches to provide biblical, theological, and practical leadership training to national pastors, aspiring pastors and other church leaders. Our unique model sends the teacher to the students in targeted international fields. We send teachers to students because students are most often bi-vocational, which does not allow them to leave home or work to attend a three or four-year seminary.
World Reach trains national pastors, aspiring pastors and other church leaders in the inerrant, infallible Word of God so that they, in turn, may further the kingdom of God among their own people. We aim to equip church leadership to develop both healthy and reproducing churches. Courses deliver not only biblical content, but also essential ministry skills, and facilitate building Godly character within our student’s lives. Bible College level curriculum is used. And, in most cases, classes of students are trained over a three-year period in which courses are generally taught every two months. We rotate highly-qualified teachers in and out of courses at regular intervals.
Through the World Reach Mobile Bible Institute, student lives are transformed, and overseas churches are prepared for future Kingdom work. 2 Timothy 2:2 is exemplified both in the hundreds of men and women who have graduated from our Mobile Bible Institute and also in the nearly 100 churches planted by our students.
How can you participate in this ministry?
- Pray with us that the Lord will use World Reach Mobile Bible Institutes to effectively train pastors and leaders in churches and communities around the world so that the local churches grow and thrive and new churches are planted
- Contribute to Mobile Bible Institutes to help sustain and expand this ministry
- Apply to teach at our Mobile Bible Institutes
The idea of the Mobile Bible Institute began in the early 1990’s in Honduras. Honduras was the site of World Reach’s first church plant and its first Mobile Bible Institute. The Honduran missionary team labored many years equipping Honduran pastors and lay leaders and recognized a need for a defined curriculum and program. Our strategy of taking school to the student . . . making it mobile . . . was born.
Pastors in developing countries are most often bi-vocational, which does not allow them to leave home to attend Bible College or Seminary for 3 to 4 years. Their family, pastoral, and job responsibilities cannot be laid aside for that length of time. As a result, World Reach takes the training to the students.
World Reach conducts Mobile Bible Institutes for groups of 25-30 pastors and lay leaders, who are approved through a selection process. We send our World Reach missionaries and also volunteer adjunct teachers to teach modular courses for 1 to 2 weeks every few months for a 3 to 4-year period. Teachers are generally seminary or Bible College graduates and are in faith-supported ministry.
The first class of students at the MBI Honduras began in 1992 and graduated in 1994 with 27 students, 24 of which were pastors and 3 of which were church leaders. Graduation was held on the border of Honduras and Nicaragua in a town of only 600 people. Some 1,800 people attended the graduation of these 27 proud students in a primitive, rural area.
Since inception, World Reach has provided Mobile Bible Institutes throughout Latin America, Eastern Europe and Kenya. We also partnered in 2018 with a ministry in India to help the indigenous ministry develop a similar Bible Institute program to further the Kingdom in that part of the world.