Helping Honduras During The COVID-19 Crisis

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10

One of the struggles caused by the COVID-19 crisis in Honduras and around the world is the inability for families to get food due to economic shutdowns. Many people are losing their jobs and ability to buy much needed supplies for their families. 

Since early April, The World Reach Honduras Staff, partnering with many generous supporters and prayer warriors, has been coordinating with local governments to provide food and health supplies to these families in need. On April 27th the team went out to the areas surrounding their church plants and provided necessities for 65 families. The staff is working towards providing for these families and more in the next couple of weeks, but need your help! Would you consider partnering with this ministry to provide food and health items to families in desperate need during the COVID-19 crisis? 

Watch the video above to learn more, and click here to give.  Also, please pray for the team as coordinate with the local governments, and other missions organizations to make this effort possible. Pray that God will open the doors for them to distribute these necessities in good time so that families can be safe and provided for until they are able to get back to work. Thank you so much for your support and prayers! 
