“Off The Clock” Celebration Held Honoring Paul Whitmore’s 26 Years of Service

March 2, 2020 marks the day that Paul Whitmore has shifted his role with World Reach from Assistant to the General Director, into being a part-time member of the staff. For 26 years, Paul has done a masterful job serving the needs of World Reach missionaries around the world in countless ways. To honor his years of service, the World Reach staff held an “Off The Clock” party. Missionaries, staff members, board members and friends from local churches and the community joined together at the World Reach international office to celebrate Paul’s impact on our organization, our community, and the world for the Gospel.

Food was served, conversations were had, and Paul was presented with a plaque commemorating his service as Assistant to the General Director. Paul was also presented with letters from missionaries from several World Reach fields that have been impacted by Paul’s service, and a letter from the Board of Directors of World Reach. “Paulisms” (common phrases Paul would say around the office) were written on one white board with pictures from Paul’s ministry on another white board.

We at World Reach want to express our deep gratitude to and appreciation for Paul’s 26 years of ministry, and we look forward to seeing the ways God uses Paul’s part-time role as he serves with us in the future. We also want to thank everyone who attended the party, and every missionary and board member that wrote a letter for Paul. As we move forward with the next chapter in Paul’s career with World Reach, we are excited to see how God uses Paul’s servant’s heart to continue to glorify God and bring the Gospel to the nations.
