Jorge Guillén (left) alongside World Reach General Director Tim Prewitt (right)
On July 30, 2020, a beloved member of the World Reach family, Pastor Jorge Guillén, went to be with the Lord after a battle with COVID-19. When Jorge first crossed paths with World Reach, Jorge was a young man being called to be pastor by the leaders of his church. At the time, Jorge had no formal training and was unable to study in seminary. Providentially, Jorge came upon World Reach, enrolled, and became a student in the first graduating class of World Reach’s Mobile Bible Institute in Honduras. Through his experience at the Mobile Bible Institute, Jorge developed a passion for the training of new pastors in his region, and he became regional coordinator. With Jorge’s help, we have trained pastors in Danlí, Honduras for 25 years.
Alongside his service with World Reach, Jorge also served in the regional and national leadership of ASIECAH, the Central American Association of Churches of Honduras, and he pastored Iglesia Betel (Bethel Church) in Danlí, Honduras for 20 years. He is remembered for not only his leadership but also his good-natured personality, his smile and laughter. It was an honor for the World Reach team in Honduras to count him as a friend and to serve alongside him. God used Jorge’s obedience to His call in mighty ways, and we at World Reach were so grateful and honored to be a part of that calling. Please join us in prayer for his wife Noelia, his three daughters, Cinthia, Celia, and Saria, his three grandchildren, his family, and his church family as we mourn his passing with the knowledge we will see him again in Heaven.
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