Located on the slopes of Mount Kenya, World Reach’s Children’s Home houses children who are orphaned, rejected, neglected or ignored by Kenyan society. Many of the children end up on the street if no one intervenes. Children’s Home kids are often rescued from the risk of being abused by an adult or from inducing harm to themselves by sniffing glue as a way to get their minds off daily difficulties they face.
World Reach learns of needy children through a variety of sources, including contact from the Kenyan government and/or contact from a grandmother or other relative seeking help due to lack of resources. Sometimes children are simply dropped off with a note at the gate of the campus.
Kenyan “house parents” raise the children in a loving Christian environment that provides shelter, food, clothing, schooling and medical attention. In addition to formal education, the children learn to cook, sew and wash clothes, and maintain the Children’s Home grounds.
There is no free public education in Kenya. There are educational costs for tuition, testing, lunch programs, school uniforms, etc. Children live in the Children’s Home during their “Standard” school years (equivalent to U.S. grades 1-8) and attend nearby schools with educational costs covered by World Reach’s Children Home.
Upon completion of “Standard” school, students are placed in “Form” school (equivalent to U.S. high school). In Kenya, “Form” school is boarding school. At this stage, the Children’s Home covers the students’ boarding and educational costs.
Patrick Mutwiri provides oversight, ongoing leadership, and assistance to the Children’s Home.
A monthly gift of approximately $100 or annual gift of $1,200 helps provide for one (1) child’s education, food, shelter, clothing, medical care for a year. . . and most importantly an introduction to the Gospel and a loving home environment.
It is extremely helpful for World Reach to receive a long-term donor commitment to support the Children’s Home, realizing that once World Reach takes in a child, we will nurture them to adulthood. A child may enter our program at age 6 or beyond, depending on life circumstances. We carefully evaluate when we believe there is appropriate funding to add a new child. There are one-time costs to add a new child for bedding, clothes, school supplies, medical exams, and other needs. One-time costs are approximately $350.
A gift of any size, of course, is appreciated and helpful. Even a $20 or $50 monthly gift would contribute so much to bringing these orphaned, rejected, or neglected children hope for a happy and healthy future.
From 1987 to present, hundreds of children have been served in and through this ministry. Some children have entered the orphanage as preschoolers and others at high school age.
Investing in children not only helps in shaping their early forming years, but it can easily and most accurately be said that children represent the future of any nation – “training today, tomorrow’s leaders”.
Just think, your generous donation will have both immediate and residual benefits as the Lord, through His marvelous grace, transforms a child’s life for His Glory and a child’s good!