Kenya Medical Clinic


World Reach provides basic health care and services in the rural community of Muthetheni, Kenya, where people have difficulty affording medical care. Thanks to several generous donors our medical clinic was renovated during the first half of 2020 and reopened on July 1st. We are again serving this rural community by providing medical care at a greatly subsidized cost.

Effective July 2020, World Reach hired a licensed Kenyan nurse with 35+ years’ experience. Most importantly, this senior nurse is a strong believer who is eager to help meet both physical and spiritual needs. We praise the Lord for providing our nurse, Reuben Kameti.


World Reach has five core values: evangelism, discipleship, church planting, leadership development, and medical and physical relief. Our medical clinic helps us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In addition to providing medical services, other ministries based at the clinic have included a Bible study correspondence program to hundreds of school children in the area and periodic evangelism, discipleship training, and leadership development seminars for pastors.


World Reach began providing clinic based health services in the rural community of Muthetheni in 1993. The clinic is located adjacent to the small village of Muthetheni in Machakos County, which is approximately two hours by car east of the capital, Nairobi, Kenya.

Our clinic provides basic health services including:

1) rudimentary diagnostic services — visual, blood pressure, pulse, stethoscope and urine analysis;

2) treatment — basic first aid, IV drip, suturing, and immunizations; and

3) medications —antibiotics, pain killers, vitamins, and medicines for worms, dysentery and malaria.

The major medical health concerns of the community include: fungal infections, malnutrition, malaria, typhoid, sanitation, water contamination, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and prenatal and post-natal care.

The ability of the people to pay for health services is primarily a function of rainfall. If the two rainy seasons result in good crops, then the people have more income to contribute to medical care.  However, as is often the case, crops are meager and provide little to no extra income.  As a result, the clinic must be subsidized.

The clinic is situated on approximately two acres of government donated land. Structures on the property include: 1) a 4,000 square foot clinic building that houses the clinic and other multi-purpose rooms; 2) a guest apartment; 3) a general purpose building; and 4) a 60,000 gallon in-ground cistern.

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Reuben, a nurse in the World Reach Medical Clinic, proudly holds our new certification as a level 3 medical facility

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